General Studies

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General Knowledge & Current Affairs

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Magazine & Journals

Healthy Eating Habits

Ways to cope up with Procrastination

Funny and interesting Facts about Bollywood
Time table management for students
25 Interesting Facts of India that you had no Idea About
Stress Relieving Activities
Inspirational Movies that every student must watch
11 Yoga Practices to help you score well in Board Exams
Some Fun Math tricks that you will wish you had always known

Getting To Know Wild Life

This is regarding the act has been amended several times and the national wildlife advisory board has undergone various changes.
Regarding one of the biggest challenges that the government, environmentalists and private organizations are facing in India is to put a full stop on the killing and trading of animals.
Regarding populations of endangered species have seen drastic improvements in numbers ever since and efforts are maintained to prevent various harmful activities that hinder in the growth of wildlife.
Regarding WCT has conducted surveys across thousands of households in the villages in the Brahmapuri Forest Division and has also monitored large carnivore movement and presence in regions outside protected areas.
Regarding the various laws for the protection and conservation of wildlife, as well as overall biodiversity.
Regarding the importance of wildlife and marine conservation isn’t lost on us, yet very few actually take up the cause to make a difference when it come to peaceful cohabitation of the planet.